How Does Data Analytics Inform Public Relations Decisions?


    How Does Data Analytics Inform Public Relations Decisions?

    In a world driven by data, uncovering how analytics guide PR decisions reveals unexpected strategies. Insights straight from a Founder and CEO showcase the transformative impact of data on public relations. From guiding messaging with social media sentiment to launching educational campaigns, our featured experts share five pivotal insights. Prepare to explore the first insightful touchpoint on social sentiment analysis and conclude with details on educational campaign efficacy.

    • Guide Messaging with Social Media Sentiment
    • Analyze Traffic Sources for Optimal Timing
    • Tailor Press Releases to Reporter Interests
    • Shift Narrative Based on Sentiment Analysis
    • Launch Educational Campaign to Address Misunderstandings

    Guide Messaging with Social Media Sentiment

    In a crisis-management situation, data analytics guided our messaging. Our client was a consumer product brand that was getting slammed on social media due to a product recall. By analyzing social media sentiment and the top concerns from customers, we found that confusion about the recall process was the biggest issue, not the recall itself. With that insight, we quickly created clear, transparent messaging that walked through the recall process step by step and shared it via press releases, social media, and email.

    The data-driven messaging helped to reduce the negative sentiment, with engagement metrics showing a big drop in negative mentions and an increase in positive feedback. We managed the crisis because the data gave us a clear view of customer concerns, and we could address them directly and rebuild trust.

    Mark McShane
    Mark McShaneFounder, Cupid PR

    Analyze Traffic Sources for Optimal Timing

    As the founder of an analytics and PR firm, data has been key to driving many of our decisions. One example was when we analyzed traffic sources for a tech client launching a new product. We found their audience was most engaged on Tuesday mornings. This insight directly led us to issue their press release on a Tuesday at 10 AM.

    For an e-commerce client, we studied on-site behavior and found visitors from mobile were much more likely to buy. We pitched mobile media, generating coverage that spiked their mobile sales.

    Mining data for insights and taking calculated risks based on metrics, not hunches, has been crucial to our success. The days of "gut instinct" PR are over; data-driven decisions are the future. For any company, I'd advise analyzing your audience and metrics to uncover key patterns. Then, take action on those insights to achieve goals and grow revenue. Data doesn't lie.

    David Pumphrey
    David PumphreyCEO, Riveraxe LLC

    Tailor Press Releases to Reporter Interests

    I used data analytics to understand which topics reporters were most interested in. By tailoring our press releases to match these interests, we increased our chances of media coverage.

    We also analyzed audience data to optimize our paid media spending, ensuring our messages reached the right audience.

    This data-driven approach improved our media engagement and made our PR efforts more effective.

    Matias Rodsevich
    Matias RodsevichFounder & CEO, PRLab

    Shift Narrative Based on Sentiment Analysis

    In one instance, I was working with a client in the retail sector who was experiencing inconsistent media coverage and engagement. We used data analytics to dive into customer sentiment and media trends, examining which types of stories and messaging were resonating most with their audience across different platforms.

    Through sentiment analysis and social listening tools, we identified that their customers were most responsive to stories that highlighted sustainability and ethical sourcing, but their current PR strategy was focusing more on product features. By shifting the narrative to emphasize their commitment to sustainability and highlighting relevant partnerships, we saw a significant boost in positive media coverage and customer engagement.

    The data clearly showed us where the gap was between what the brand was saying and what the audience wanted to hear, allowing us to pivot the PR strategy effectively.

    Ronald Osborne
    Ronald OsborneFounder, Ronald Osborne Business Coach

    Launch Educational Campaign to Address Misunderstandings

    We once faced a challenging situation where customer reviews were mixed, despite our confidence in the product. We turned to data analytics to inform our PR strategy and used natural-language-processing tools to analyze customer reviews and social media comments. It categorized them by sentiment and identified common themes in both positive and negative feedback.

    We learned that many negative reviews stemmed from misunderstandings about how to use the product correctly. We made a critical PR decision to launch an educational campaign instead of defending the product’s quality. This data-driven approach addressed the root cause of negative reviews and positioned us as a company committed to customer education and satisfaction. We saw a major improvement and a boost in sales.

    Benjamin Smith
    Benjamin SmithCo-Founder, Nose Gym